Machine Trust

Prevent attacks caused by compromised API credentials.
Protect all of your applications, services and data with a zero trust architecture.

Zero Trust API Security

Over 80% of web traffic is API traffic. Secure access between API services and their clients.

Dynamic Icon
Dynamic Identity
Create automated, dynamic identities for trusted machines In both north to south and east to west API traffic
Automated Humanless MFA icon
Humanless MFA
Leverage one-time use MFA credentials to authenticate access between pods, containers servers, vms or loT devices
Centralized Control icon
Centralized Control
View and monitor all of the machines that are accessing your APIs and halt their access without revoking secrets

What Industry Leaders Say About Us

Corsha aims to mitigate [API secret] difficulties by adding an extra layer of security on top of API secret-focused solutions, brokering machine access, and depriving hackers of the opportunity to target APIs through zero-trust authentication.

Tim Keary
Tim Keary



An Identity-First Security Layer

Corsha isn’t an alternative to secrets management, but instead a security layer on top of your current methods in order to greatly reduce the API attack surface. Corsha’s platform abstracts the security vulnerabilities that often stem from poor API secrets hygiene.

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An Environment Agnostic Solution icon

An Environment Agnostic Solution

Whether you are running a legacy, monolithic application or run in microservices environments, Corsha has you covered. Running on a public cloud, on premise or hybrid? No problem. Corsha is built for all of the places you run your workloads.

Clear Visibility
& Control

Corsha’s central admin console provides full visibility and control into all of the machines that are accessing your APIs and when their identities were last rotated. Halt or pause access for a machine or group of machines
at the drop of a hat.

Clear Visibility Control

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