In the realm of modern industries, two critical pillars stand tall – Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT). Each plays a distinct yet interconnected role, forming the foundation upon which today's industrial landscape is built. Understanding the...
In the realm of identity and access management (IAM), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has emerged as a stalwart defender against unauthorized access and data breaches. As we harness the insights gained from Human MFA, Corsha is embarking on a journey to define and...
Do you know what goes on in the darknet? Well, your API security could be at stake. DarkOwl, a leading provider of darknet data, has observed conversations on the darknet on topics including hacking APIs, stolen API secrets that are then traded in underground digital...
Automated processes power today’s workflows for countless organizations of all shapes, verticals, and sizes. According to Gartner, 70% of organizations will implement structured automation to enable flexibility and efficiency throughout their businesses by the end of...
The popularity of zero trust and multifactor authentication (MFA) is on the rise, with no sign of slowing down. But when most people think of MFA, they only think about a fraction of web traffic – the traffic guided by human users. However, there were 8.9 billion...
Gartner projects that cybersecurity spending will grow by 11.3% in 2023 to more than $188.3 billion. Yet, many companies still leave their most vulnerable and most valuable resource unprotected against modern threats.
If you work with any kind of tech, chances are that you’ve heard of (and used) JSON web tokens. While using JSON web tokens is now almost ubiquitous with machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, it can be easy to take them for granted.
Organizations are leveraging APIs more than ever. In 2021, 90.5% of developers said they will expand their use of APIs. Organizations also planned to spend around $23.6 million on APIs and other related technologies in 2022.
Zero trust is the gold standard for most cybersecurity practices. But achieving that gold standard – and achieving it consistently – is easier said than done. Gartner predicts that 60% of organizations will adopt zero trust architecture by 2025, but more than half will...
Many security professionals have a problem with API secrets management practices. In fact, 50% of security professionals have experienced an API-related breach, while the other 50% worry about having one. This statistic is important to acknowledge because it clearly...